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Essence In Harmony

Ammonite Pendant

Ammonite Pendant

Regular price $180.00
Regular price Sale price $180.00
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Ammonites Inhabited the Planet for more than 300 million years -- Almost Twice as Long as Dinosaurs -- before Disappearing in the Mass Extinction Event more than 66 Million Years Ago. Ammonite Fossils are an Incredible Source of Information for Scientists, from Dating Rocks to Confirming the Presence of Prehistoric Seas.
Ammonites Thrived in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras, some 400 to 66 Million Years Ago. These Ancient Cephalopods, Relatives of Modern Day Squid, Octopus and Cuttlefish.
Diverse Widespread and Abundant in their Marine Environments, Ammonites left behind an Extraordinary Number of Fossils.
The most commonly found Ammonite Fossils are Coiled like 'rams horns'. In fact Ammonites are named for the Egyptian God Ammon, who was sometimes Represented by the Ram.
Ammonite Fossils have Long Intrigued Humans for Centuries. In Medieval Europe, the Coiled Fossils were known as "snakestones" and were thought to have Curative Powers against Snakebite and Poisons.
In North America, Crow, Sioux and other Great Plains Tribes often found such Fossils, Relics of the Sea that once Covered the Continent's Western Interior and used these Stones to Heal Injuries and bring Good Fortune .

All of our jewellery is handcrafted using sterling silver and natural gemstones. 

Size: 65mm (L) x 42mm (W) 

Supplier: Entia Jewellery 

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