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Essence In Harmony

Woven Friendship Bracelet

Woven Friendship Bracelet

Regular price $3.00
Regular price Sale price $3.00
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Share with your friend, your special someone and your family.
According to tradition, one ties a bracelet onto the wrist of a friend as a symbol of friendship and may wish for something at that moment. The bracelet should be worn until it is totally worn out and falls off by itself to honour the hard work and love put into making it.
The Colours in the Bracelets - Red: Passion, Good Luck, Adventure. Orange: Happiness, Joy, Excitement. Yellow: Friendliness, Optimism, Creativity. Green: Hope, Nature, Compassion. Blue; Peace, Inspiration, Loyalty.
These friendship bracelets are handwoven by the Mayan population of Guatemala.
Please Note: Colours and patterns vary; intuitively chosen for you. Singular bracelet excluding double pack. 
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